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Friday, January 7, 2011


Hey ! :) today i wanna share something with you guys. it's about someone that i admire. it's been a year now, i guess so. so i was thinking, i thought that i've already forgotten him and actually believing that i didn't need him. but then i saw him at school, this morning, i felt something weird. i hardly breathe infront of him. he makes me feel nervous, seriously ! omg, what happen to me ? you know, it's been two month i didn't see him, and we're not in the same class too. but i still felt the same thing when i saw him for the first time. it never changed :( it makes me feel sick. i was trying so really hard to forget him, but i can't do that. 

i hate this. i really hate this. 

isn't there any other ways to get out from this stupid thing ? :(

Yang Sedih,
Yana Lautner


  1. i can't take my breathe breathe .... heih, da macam lagu soom la pulak

  2. hisyh budak kecik nih, orang serious, dia boleh memain pulak -_______________________-
